
UK press won over on digital ID, sets about explaining why to the public

By Roli / December 16, 2024 /

The popular press in the UK appears to have picked a side in the national debate over digital ID, falling in line with the majority public opinion and making the case for at least serious consideration of a new policy from Westminster in a series of editorials.

An editorial by Sir Tony Blair in the Daily Mail last Wednesday kicked things off, arguing that digital ID could be a “once-in-a-generation disruption” for the better. Blair also runs through the familiar arguments about improved access to government services, and a case for how national IDs could help resolve the nation’s immigration problems.

The Financial Times makes several similar arguments, and suggests weaknesses in several arguments against the introduction of digital ID in the UK.

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Censorship and Political control of AI is 1000x more dangerous than control of social media (posted by Elon Musk Dec.11, 2024)

By Roli / December 12, 2024 /

MARC ANDREESSEN: “AI has been a censorship machine from Day One. It is 100% intentional. This is how you end up with black George Washington at Google. These companies were born woke. They were born to be censorship machines.”

“Censorship of AI is 1000-1Mx more dangerous than social media. AI will be the control layer for how everything works in the future. So if that AI is woke/biased/censored, you’re in a hyper-Orwellian China style social credit nightmare.”

“The way this happens is because the AI has been trained to lie.”

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Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Force Health Insurers to Divest From Pharmacies

By Shawna / December 12, 2024 /

Roughly 80 percent of pharmacy benefit management in the United States is controlled by three health care conglomerates—CVS Health, Cigna, and UnitedHealth Group—that also own health insurance providers and pharmacy businesses.

If enacted, the new legislation would require those conglomerates to divest their pharmacies within three years.

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The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity: Teetering on the Brink of Armageddon, The Danger of Nuclear War

By Roli / December 11, 2024 /

As the world simultaneously teeters on the brink of nuclear war in Central Asia, shatters any remaining sense of ‘international justice’ by taking no effective action to halt the televised genocide in Palestine (let alone the risk of a dramatically expanded war in West Asia), and runs headlong into the rapidly advancing technocracy – to nominate just three of the more pronounced threats – the bulk of the human population yawns while they scroll through the latest entries in the various chat groups on their phone.

Virtually all of these chat groups (and the channels through which they are distributed), like the ‘news’ distributed by the corporate media through television, radio and newspapers, find an endless sequence of inconsequential issues to distract people from reality.

And so our death or transhuman slavery awaits us.

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How global predators destroy wealth and reshape the world

By Roli / December 10, 2024 /

Elizabeth Nickson unveils the hidden mechanisms behind global wealth destruction, exposing how global predators exploit regulations, wars, and inflation to concentrate power and resources…

But I’ve left out one of the most important ways of simultaneously ruining and sapping our wealth — government regulations. I don’t think many of us have given enough attention to this. Among her many areas of enormous expertise, Elizabeth Nickson has starred at displaying how government regulations have gone beyond all reason and now are largely used as the cutting edge of the global flattening of humanity.

Listening to our interview with Nickson will, at times, open your eyes wide with new information and, at times, shut them to seek relief.

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Striking posties blocking Christmas deliveries from Purolator plant

By Shawna / December 7, 2024 /

It looks like striking postal workers are doing their best to ruin Christmas for as many Canadians as they can.

Posties have been pictured at a Purolator plant delaying trucks as they tried to get out to deliver Christmas goodies.

The postal workers would block each departing van for several minutes before allowing it to pass.

Purolator is owned by Canada Post.

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‘This Is Stupidity’: Why We Need to Oppose WHO’s Plan to Centralize and Control Global Health

By Roli / December 6, 2024 /

Durk Pearson died recently. He was one of the pioneers of natural medicine — but really so much more than that, being a polymath.

Amongst Durk’s many endeavors; as a physicist, he developed guidance systems for cruise missiles; as a creative, he wrote screenplays for Clint Eastwood, such as “The Dead Pool”; as a longevity researcher, he kicked off the wellness revolution with his New York Times bestseller, “Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach,” and; as a freedom advocate, his case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), won an appeal in the Supreme Court and brought by my colleague, now ANH-USA General Counsel, “FDA Dragon Slayer,” attorney Jonathan Emord, burst the doors open to a liberalized market for natural health products in which truthful structure/function claims could be made to inform consumer choice.

We ignore polymaths at our expense, and certainly the expense of future generations. Imagine if we’d ignored Aristotle, da Vinci or Turing? Or, in the East, if the Han Dynasty had ignored Zhang Heng?

Well, it’s now time to take heed of what Durk had been saying about medical freedom for over half a century. Durk said in an interview with Life Extension magazine back in 1998, “The price of liberty is vigilance.”

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World Economic Forum pushes digital ID for global metaverse governance: report

By Shawna / December 6, 2024 /

Under the banner of establishing global governance in the metaverse, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing digital ID for all users, so all blended reality interactions and transactions can be tracked-and-traced.

Published on November 19, the WEF report, “Shared Commitments in a Blended Reality: Advancing Governance in the Future Internet” expresses the desire to establish global governance in blended reality, which requires digital identity for all users to keep track of their interactions and transactions:

Digital spaces have long been a forum for pronounced cyberbullying, harassment, abuse, exploitation, privacy violation, etc. Physical-digital blended spaces will see exacerbated forms of these issues.

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By Roli / December 5, 2024 /

Physician and cattle rancher, Brooke Miller, MD, discusses the war on the American farmer from globalists and why the public should be gravely concerned over the imminent threat of mRNA vaccines on the horizon to be administered in dairy and beef cattle.

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China Says BRICS Nations Will Push Back Against Trump Tariff Threat

By Valerie / December 4, 2024 /

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said on Tuesday that China expects fellow members of the BRICS economic bloc to push back against President-elect Donald Trump’s tariff threats.

“As an important platform of cooperation for emerging markets and developing countries, BRICS advocates openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, not bloc confrontation, and does not target any third party. The aim is to realize common development and prosperity,” Lin said at a press conference on Tuesday.

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