I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.
We needed a steady source of funding. Iron Will Report was established in the spring of 2022 to give those seeking truth in media and honest government something of value in return for supporting our ongoing efforts.
When you become a subscriber at Iron Will Report, you get the truth that mainstream media won't report, and that our government doesn't want you to hear, and you support our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.
Visit StrongAndFreeCanada.org here or Subscribe to IronWillReport.com using the button on this page.
With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)
Investing in Gold and Silver: The Beginners Guide
Greg Mather
There are many reasons to believe that a major crash of not only the stock market, but possibly our entire financial system is coming, and that it will be disastrous when it does. The stock market crash is likely to rival that of 1929, when the market lost 90% of its value, and took 20 years to recover. And if the entire financial system collapses, cash could become worthless.
So where do you put your money to weather the coming storm?
One investment that is often recommended is precious metals, but what if you have no prior experience with investing in gold and silver. It’s an axiom of investing that you don’t put your money into things you don’t understand.
Because I personally am convinced that we are headed for a financial disaster, quite possibly of unprecedented proportions, I’ve invited Greg Mather, the founder of one of Canada’s largest gold and silver brokerages, New World Precious Metals, to explain how the precious metals market works.
Greg will also explain the pros and cons of different investment options, his predictions for where gold and silver prices are going in the near future, and how you can be guaranteed of the security of your investment without having to hold precious metals in your home or office.
Get the Truth! Exclusive Interviews and News that mainstream media won’t report. https://IronWillReport.com
Protect Your Assets from the Coming Economic Collapse. Buy precious metals at wholesale prices right here in Canada. https://info.newworldpm.com/154.html You can even transfer in your RSP. New World Precious Metals. You will also be supporting our efforts to bring Canadians the truth. We do receive a commission on purchases made through our affiliate link.
Get Sound Financial Advice. Adrian Spitters is a personal financial planner and author who successfully predicted both the dot-com crash and the crash of 2008, and also has access to many investment opportunities that other financial planners do not.
Adrian Spitters, Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse
(604) 613-1693
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Careful, I’m pretty sure he is quoting US dollars, add on an extra 1000 bucks for canadian currency.