I created IronWillReport.com to fund our efforts at StrongAndFreeCanada.org. My wife and I launched that site in the summer of 2020 in response to government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights. Initially we ran that site entirely on donations (and you can still donate there), however we found that whenever the government dropped mandates, our donations dropped dramatically - to the point where we could not cover our expenses.
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With my sincere thanks,
Will Dove (Iron Will)
Corrupted by Fear: Government Tyranny and Our Captured Courts
John Carpay
John Carpay is the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. The JCCF, more than any other civil liberties organization has fought the government overreach and corruption that violated our rights during the COVID plandemic.
Now John has authored his first book, Corrupted by Fear, which will be available on Amazon January 15th.
In the book John draws from history, particularly Nazi Germany, and demonstrates the parallels with civil compliance with the lockdowns and other violations of our constitutional rights. He also points out many cases where the courts failed us and took the government’s position on the principle of judicial notice, an assumption in this case that the government’s claims were scientifically accurate, even going so far as to completely ignore the testimony of expert witnesses such as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration. This is the same Dr. Bhattacharya who president-elect Trump has said he will appoint as the new head of the NIH, the National Institute of Health.
John joined me in the studio this past week to discuss not only history, our societal breakdown which led to the violation of our rights and the willing compliance of many Canadians, but also how we prevent this from happening again.
LINK: https://www.amazon.ca/Corrupted-Fear-Charter-betrayed-Canadians-ebook/dp/B0DQ1TRJMR
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Corrupted by Cash – Coerced by Fear
would be a better title IMO but hats off to Mr. Carpal and his tireless efforts.
The Plandemic had an integral corruption by money component with hospitals and doctors receiving unprecedented financial incentives to promote “THE VIRUS” propaganda, use inappropriate treatments like ventilators and failed toxic drugs like REMDESIVIR as the “STANDARD OF CARE.”
THE is for THE ONE AND ONLY so should never be used in reference to the alleged deadly Covid virus. A more appropriate term would be “the Covid injectable bioweapon” as there is no legitimate evidence of natural “viral transmission” only false “PCR test numbers” to support the promotion of fear of a “contagion.”
Detoxing poisons in air, food and water provides the “symptoms” of CV and seasonal flu illness when vitamin D3 levels are low and natural immunity is weak.
In a tribute to medical indoctrination the current champions of medical freedom are largely still afraid to step out from the herd and demand a closer look at the basic justification for tiny, invisible, dangerous viruses floating around in the air requiring masks, lockdowns and more poison jabs.
It’s like the ongoing 9/11 false flag in New York cognitive dissonance…
where today people can watch holographic whales floating around skyscrapers in Dubai…
but still angrily reject the idea that the technology could have been used at the World Trade Center,
even if they are intelligent enough to understand material density matters in the physics of a collision
and it is physically impossible for light aircraft aluminum to penetrate heavy steel girders – so holograms are required.
(Please reread until you wake up to reality)
“The Covid vaccine was not tested enough” is only a true statement if you ignore years of failed mRNA vaccine testing on animals – who all died. Therefore the end result was well established for the rollout of a military grade depopulation bioweapon years in the making – for 6 month old babies even. In your face evil.
I hope a smart lawyer like Mr. Carpal will use the decades of related patents available as evidence the Covid event (201) was not a sudden surprise.
Medical officials are either corrupt or incompetent as they failed in their jobs by ignoring the available evidence that “THE VIRUS” pandemic was a complete fraud…
and supported the suppression of verified treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (PubMed 2005) for a respiratory illness – whatever the cause.
Note to Mr. Carpal:
please research “The Spanish Flu” more deeply before propagating the false narrative that it was caused by a deadly virus. Published medical research of preserved tissue samples shows over 90% of the “Spanish flu” deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia (due largely to mandatory mask wearing where breath moisture creates a disease diaper).
And a closer look will reveal that Bill Gates Sr. (depopulation eugenicist) was involved in the “experimental meningitis vaccine” given to US soldiers, which was the real poison that initiated the historic event.
Perhaps if large holographic viruses were seen floating around skyscrapers in Dubai today, “medical experts” and alternative media might wake up to Pharma’s ongoing “deadly virus” propaganda fraud that is so difficult to come to grips with.
A first step is to stop running with the media and medical herd in promoting it for Covid – when a 97% false positive PCR “test” and corresponding new category of “asymptomatic illness” were responsible for creating the fear narrative.
The Justice Centre is essentiel in todays environment and is fortunate to be led by Mr. Carpal who is a man of integrity. I would strongly recommend all subscribers donate to the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
Well, Will, that was rather painful to listen to, but necessary. Mr. Carpal is a lawyer through & through, thinks the justice system will prevail, it will not. Wayne Peters interviewed a lawyer from Quebec who left the bar because he realized our legal system is unredeemable. Micha Alexander realizes this now, I think, God bless him. Mr. Carpal doesn’t acknowledge that covid was, is, and continues to be about control & depopulation. He also said that forced vaccination was not akin to killing jews in WW 2, which is totally wrong again, it’s worse! Imho…to have people willing kill & injure themselves without the need for ovens, pure diabolical genius! Love your show, Will, keep up the good work..Daniel Allison